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発表者:飯島 渉さん(青山学院大学)




  1. 新型コロナウイルスの起源が中国の湖北省武漢市とされること。自然発生説が有力だが、依然として武漢の研究所からの流出説がたびたび主張されている。中国政府はWHOとの共同調査も実施したが不十分であり、ウイルスの起源をめぐって議論が続いている。

  2. 中国が選択したロックダウン(中国語の表現は「封城」)は、ウイルスの封じ込めを目的とする住民の行動の徹底した制限であった(飯島渉2020)。日本が選択した「自粛」を基調とする対策とは大きな違いがある。新型コロナ対策において中国と日本の対策はきわめて対照的であった(Wataru  Iijima 2021)。

  3. 中国はデジタル技術を駆使して住民の行動を管理した。それは世界の近未来的な状況を示すものでもある。他方、中国が選択した対策を支えたのは「社区」という疑似コミュニティであった。共産党組織が埋め込まれた「社区」を基盤として戦時体制に近い物資や人員の動員が行われた。中国のCOVID-19対策は、「旧くて新しい」対策であった。その意味では、「社区」(居住単位)を「デジタル隣組」とみることができる(飯島渉2023b)。

  4. 中国は一貫してゼロコロナ対策を維持した。2021年になると、国際的には特異な空間が出現した。世界ではCOVID-19が蔓延していたが、中国では外国からの感染を除けば、感染は抑制された。中国政府(共産党)が、ゼロコロナ対策(中国方式)の優位性(正当性)を主張した所以である。

  5. 2022年になると中国でもオミクロン株の感染が拡大したが、中国政府(共産党)はゼロコロナ対策を継続した。その背景には、北京等での冬季五輪の開催と秋に中国共産党大会を開催することが予定されていたことがあった。また、中国製ワクチンの有効性が必ずしも高くなかったため、ゼロコロナを維持したとみることもできる。2022年後半に行われた北京市のロックダウンでは、全住民を対象として72時間に1回のPCR検査が義務付けられた。こうした対策は、経済的ダメージも大きく、巨額の財政支出を必要とする高コスト(人的な動員も含む)な対策であった。

  6. ゼロコロナ対策の継続への住民の不満が高まり、中国政府(共産党)は、2022年末、突如としてウイズコロナに対策を転換した。劇的転換はまさにハードランディングで、多くの人々が感染した。かなりの死者もあったとみられるが、その実態は明らかではない(飯島渉2023a)。

  7. 2020年以来のCOVID-19のパンデミック、その「起承転結」は、中国から始まり、中国がウイズコロナに対策を転換したことによって「結」を迎えた。実際には、COVID-19の流行自体が終息したわけではないので、「終わりの始まり」と見るべきである。こうした中で、新興感染症の出現に備えるという意味でも、また、中国研究においても、中国における対策の実情を明らかにする(歴史化する)段階を迎えている。しかし、対策の有効性(正当性)に踏み込まざるを得ず、フィールドワークを含め、障害が大きい。







Wataru Iijima (2021). Jishuku as  a Japanese way for anti-COVID-19: Some Basic Reflections, Historical Social Research Supplement 33.




国際シンポジウム Decomposing Anthropocene (2024年2月4日)の開催について



Decomposing Anthropocene: Exploring a Chemical Ethics Beyond Laboratory




日時:2024年2月4日(日)14 ~18時

開催場所:東京大学駒場キャンパス18号館4階 コラボレーションルーム1

14:00-14:15 イントロダクション : 浜田明範(東京大学)

14:15-15:00 発表 1:ウェンゼル・ガイスラー/ルース・プリンス(オスロ大学)

“Tracing the metabolites of history: studying the toxic aftermath of the1950s Pare-Taveta malaria eradication experiment”

15:00-15:45 発表 2:福永真弓(東京大学)

"Terra-reforming for socio-ecological salvation: Ways of governing aquatic nutrients for healing a stranger sea"

15:45-16:15 休憩

16:15-17:00 発表 3:ルース・プリンス(オスロ大学)

“Toxic exposures and urban living: notes from Kisumu, Kenya”

17:00-17:20 コメント:ゲルゲイ・モハーチ(大阪大学)

17:20-18:00 ディスカッション

18:00- 懇親会




※現地参加、オンライン参加ともに上記のフォームから必要事項をご記入ください。シンポジウム前日までに現地参加の方には会場へのアクセス方法等を、オンライン参加の方にはZoom URL等をお送りいたします。











・Global Trout


Presentation Abstract

Paper 1:

Wenzel Geissler & R. J. Prince (and the Pare-collective) (University of Oslo)

“Tracing the metabolites of history: studying the toxic aftermath of the1950s Pare-Taveta malaria eradication experiment”

Between the 1950s and 60s, the Kenyan-Tanganyikan ‘Pare-Taveta Scheme’ temporarily eradicated malaria in one valley by regularly spraying 10,000’s of houses with potent organochloride insecticides (DDT, dieldrin). Implemented by medical entomologists of the East African Malaria Research Institute and chemists of the Colonial Pesticide Research Unit, the experiment became a model for global malaria eradication. In February 2023, we worked in Pare, alongside toxicologists from the Tanzanian Tropical Pesticide Research Institute that had grown from the colonial unit that had conducted the original spraying campaign, to study its material traces and afterlives.

Systematically sampling housing-materials to detect residuals of toxic chemicals deposited 70 years ago, our joint fieldwork led us on to find various other material and narrative, social and political-economic, institutional and affective remains of the colonial and post-colonial scientific past in the landscape. Our movements opened often surprising insights into past medical research and its lasting imprint and legacies, and political-economic and scientific continuities and ruptures that had shaped the present – and our own place in it.

It also brought into view today’s acute health problems and scientific uncertainties, and the working conditions of toxicologists in a country that is flooded with agricultural biocides in amounts that dwarf colonial experimentation, and, unlike the latter are deregulated and undocumented. Searching for the echoes of molecules deployed long ago to solve Africa’s health and nutritional problems that since have become synonymous with colonial modernism’s ‘slow violence’, we found ourselves in raging epistemic and political-economic struggles about the unmeasured lethality of new pesticides and hopes for improved lives invested in them. We therefore expanded our charting of toxic particles to recent pesticides along with legacy ones, acknowledging the chemical synchronicity of asynchronous histories, and putting a century’s accrued toxicity into perspective, with the moment when insecticides were introduced three generations ago as vanishing point.

Paper 2 :

Mayumi Fukunaga (University of Tokyo)

“Terra-reforming for socio-ecological salvation: Ways of governing aquatic

nutrients for healing a stranger sea”

In the Seto Inland Sea, nitrogen and phosphorus have been recognized for more than 50 years as one of the main causes of water pollution that had led to the "dying sea" by the middle 1960s. As such there has been a persistent need to reduce their concentrations in the Sea, and we successfully restored water quality. However, fishermen's relationships with these chemical components have changed dramatically as they have encountered increasingly fragile and uncertain "strange seas" that have emerged as climate change exacerbates accumulated anthropogenic damages. They have come to see the sea as being too “clean” for the return of abundant and diverse life. Targeting historically familiar species to keep them from leaving the Sea, we began to more actively manage chemical components that we perceived indirectly through living organisms, using calculations and simulations to understand their life histories, the currents that carry them, the sediment they accumulate, and the disturbance forces such as typhoons that affect them. With such systematic, science-based management, an important social experiment began in 2015 by managing nutrients in water bodies by adjusting the wastewater treatment process to increase nitrogen and phosphorus in the effluent.

These changes in attitudes and ways of responding to these chemical components through management are transforming the human senses that perceive them; their aesthetic criteria; the social and personal resources and skills that aid them to better understand the interconnections between inorganic and organic materials; and their aspiration to respond to these environments in holistic ways by activating and using these resources. Needless to say, the chemical components nitrogen and phosphorus have profoundly transformed the modern terrestrial landscape, not only biochemically but also and especially epistemologically and ontologically. The fertilizers that run off from the land, together with human and animal excrement and domestic sewage, have brought eutrophication to the waters. In addition the pesticides that run off from agricultural lands and the pollution caused by the effluents of heavy chemical industries and the heavy oil that is dumped at the same time by industrial complexes: All of these have caused the disappearance of a broad range of organisms, the explosive growth of certain plankton, the flourishing of anaerobic microorganisms, and the persistence of anoxic conditions in these water bodies, especially in human-access littoral zones.

What have these chemical components brought to the coastal zone and how are they ontologically remaking these littoral waters and us? To explore these questions, let us note that despite these problems, the persistence of small-scale, artisanal fishing continues to allow us to weave together diverse sensation experiences of dirty vs. clarity, stench vs. healthy smell, clear blue vs. creamy green, sticky vs. thickened, all of which contribute to a new aesthetic and thereby an evolving set of ethical standards. It is the fishermen's effort to resist becoming inanimate, to perceive the phenomenological manifestation of these chemical components through their bodies, and to hybridize science and technology with conventional knowledge techniques to activate material biophysical – that is, ecological – metabolism towards life.

Paper 3 :

Ruth Prince (University of Oslo)

“Toxic exposures and urban living: notes from Kisumu, Kenya”

Starting from ethnographic fieldwork on what many Kenyans describe as an “cancer epidemic”, this paper addresses questions about cancer’s locations, its temporalities, its beginnings and endings, its boundaries and entanglements with toxicants. I describe the landscapes of exposure that people in the city of Kisumu associate with an increasingly visible cancer epidemic, including concerns based on partial and tentative knowledge about the toxicity of foods. Starting from conversations about cancer, food and toxicity, I follow interlocutors concerns about livelihoods, economies and ecologies, and the food and agricultural systems in which exposures and uncertainties are embedded.





発表者:加賀谷 渉 さん(大阪市立大学)














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